Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014


Burn injury is one of the most excruciating skin health. It feels hot and sore it makes people feel miserable. Superficial burns usually colored red, while severe burns can be colored pink, white or black. Burns is also classified as of two types namely minor and severe burns. Burn treatment also has a lot of ways. One of them with medical drugs  and  traditional treatment. Traditional medicine is usually say the most powerful treatment that uses natural materials around our environment. Well, here are 5 natural ingredients to overcome burns

1 Vinegar 
The sour taste of vinegar is often give our fears to drip right on burns for fear of burning. However, vinegar is one of the best natural ingredients to relieve minor burns by rubbing with a cotton swab. This increased the pain will make the wound heal faster and quick dry.

2 Lavender Oil 
Using lavender oil is also one of the natural ingredients to overcome the burns. By applying this material in the wound does give a bit of the pain that is then dried fast and speedy recovery.

3 Banana Skin 
The banana skin has excellent characteristics to cool the burns overcome. Apply a banana skin on a burn to black. This way, you will burn quickly healed.

4. Honey 
Honey is also an excellent natural ingredient for overcoming burns. Because honey is an antiseptic that can cool and heal burns you suffered.

5. Aloe Vera 
Using pieces of aloe vera gel is also one of the natural ingredients to overcome the burns. Because the charateristics of aloe vera are cools and accelerates the healing of burns.

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