Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

What will happen if we swallow chewing gum?

A lot of us are like chewing gum. Sensation during gum chewing gum makes people love. But have you ever eat chewing gum, then accidentally / unintentionally swallow it? As we know that chewing gum is chewed only and are not to be swallowed then what if swallowed whether it will harm the body?

As quoted from gum is generally the same as the usual sweets we eat chewing gum ingredients used are also made ​​from sweeteners, artificial coloring, and flavorings, just like a regular candy ingredients. While the gum rubber material made ​​from a mixture of elastomer, resins, fats, emulsifiers, and wax.

So what could gum to digest if swallowed? Because the ingredients are basically the same as regular candy gum must be digested by the intestines if swallowed but it takes a long time to digest chewing gum cause bowel can not easily digest gum. At least it took two to three days for the gut to digest chewing gum to be removed from the body through the process.

But it is not no harm if you swallow chewing gum dangers that will arise is the blockage of the digestive organs, but it often occurs in children and rarely occurs in adults because the diameter of the digestive organs smaller children than adults.

Well so do not be confused if you swallowed chewing gum gum will cause the body to digest and will be removed from the body, but if you swallow chewing gum that does not come out of the body you should check into the nearest hospital to avoid things that are not cool things happen.

1 komentar:

  1. Wihh menarik banget artikelnya. For you information

    mungkin dapat menambahkan informasi lebih lengkap lagi

    Di Sini Kak
